Meat & Salumi Italian salumi: mandatory labelling is coming soon Agreement reached between the Italian government and regions on the decree providing for…
Meat & Salumi African swine fever: impact on Italian cured meat supply chain Rising prices due to swine fever and high raw material demand from China are putting at…
Meat & Salumi The threat on Italian cold cuts in the USA, explained After the introduction of the latest import duties, the losses could amount to a total of…
Meat & Salumi Piacenza cold cuts to entice buyers at Anuga “Europe, Open Air Taste Museum”, a European project promoted by Salumi Piacentini PDO…
Meat & Salumi Veroni Presents Panino Italiano at Costco Stores The Italian cured meats company increases its specialty cold cut footprint on the USA…
Meat & Salumi Italy’s Cold Cuts, Double-Digit Growth for Exports The United States is Italy's largest cold cut market outside of Europe and, unless import…
Meat & Salumi Singapore Opens Its Market to Italy’s Bresaola Negotiations between the Italian Ministry of Health and the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) for…
Meat & Salumi The Favorite Italian Cold Cuts Abroad Exports Are Growing: between January and September 2018 export sales of Italy’s deli…
Meat & Salumi Veroni Debuts the Panino Italiano The Italian leading cold cuts company brings authentic Italian taste to the US with a new…
Meat & Salumi Cold Cuts: More Healthy Solutions Required The need to overcome the non-healthy perception of deli meats boosts players to invest in…