The Consortium for the protection of Asiago PDO cheese closed the 2020 balance sheet with a positive trend for this specialty from Veneto and Trentino–Alto Adige. In a year of profound changes, member companies have focused on sustainable choices and the continuation of the quality path promoted in the new specification. Ensuring, in this way, an increase in production of +11% compared to 2019.
In 2020, 1,733,824 cheese wheels of Asiago PDO were produced, of which 1,427,456 (+6.2%) Asiago Fresco and 306,368 (+42.1%) Asiago Stagionato. The increase responded to changing consumers needs. Offering a product of the highest quality, with guaranteed origin and constant presence on all sales channels, was rewarded by an increase in consumption of +2.2% in volume and +3.4% in value (GFK data).
Click here to discover the authentic Asiago PDO on Italianfood.net platform
Entering into force in October 2020, the new production specifications have given impetus to the path of innovation and strengthening of the link with the territory already undertaken by the Consortium. Rewarding the activity carried out were the families purchasing Asiago PDO cheese, which increased by +2.2%; over 200 thousand families more than in 2019, reaching an all-time high of almost ten million.
“The positive result of 2020 – says the president of the Consortium, Fiorenzo Rigoni – reinforces and strengthens our commitment to growth, that focuses on the distinctive and unique qualities of Asiago PDO. A choice that makes our cheese a formidable promoter of territorial development and bearer of a message of sustainable progress that consumers recognize and appreciate.”
Click here to discover the Asiago PDO protection Consortium member companies
In a year marked by Covid-19 pandemic, about 6% of Asiago cheese wheels crossed the Italian border. All this in spite of difficulties due to sanitary restrictions, additional duties in the United States, and prohibition of promotional activities for Geographical Indications in China. The foreign markets traditionally most interested in Asiago PDO cheese are the USA and Australia. In Europe, Switzerland has become the first country for exports in 2020.