The website on the NutrInform Battery, the Italian system of nutritional labeling of food products, is online. In recent months Italy has proposed its labeling system to the European Commission as a viable alternative to the so-called traffic light labeling system.
The new website has been promoted by the Italian Ministries of Economic Development, Agricultural Policies, Health and Foreign Affairs, and realized in collaboration with the representatives of the trade associations of the agri-food chain.
The NutrInform Battery label has the goal of providing consumers with clear and immediate information on the nutritional characteristics of food products, in order to encourage informed food choices. In fact, the Italian labeling system contains a quantitative indication of the energy, fat, saturated fat, sugar and salt content per single portion, in relation to the recommended daily requirement.
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In addition to providing information, the website makes available an application to food companies that allows them to generate the labels to be affixed to products. “Now – says Ivano Vacondio, president of Federalimentare (the association of italian food industries) – we must work to ensure that NutrInform Battery is applied in Italy by as many companies as possible, always on a voluntary basis.”