“The Italian food industry welcomes with great satisfaction the approval by the government of the decree on the adoption of the new battery powered nutrition labelling system” says the President of Federalimentare Ivano Vacondio. The battery label was in fact designed and proposed by the association of Italy’s F&B industries.
“The battery label – adds Vacondio – meets the demands of consumers, who have long been asking for a clearer system to understand the nutritional value of food products”. Vacondio particularly welcomes the decision “to avoid the adoption of labellingss that do not meet the needs of Italian consumers and penalize the Mediterranean diet, such as French Nutriscore system.”
“Surveys carried out in recent months have clearly shown that Nutriscore label would be neither understood nor appreciated by consumers”, explains Vacondio, pointing out that the battery label “was approved from many points of view, in particular comprehensibility and usefulness for purchases.”

Shall products with a PDO or PGI denomination be excluded from this labelling scheme? “In our opinion – explains the president of Federalimentare – a direct and compulsory exclusion is superfluous given that the application of labels is optional.”