The hypothesis had been in the air for days, and yesterday it came as a confirmation that the 20th edition of Cibus trade show has been postponed to 4/7 May 2021. This was announced by the President of Fiere di Parma, Giandomenico Auricchio, together with the CEO Antonio Cellie, the President of Federalimentare, Ivano Vacondio and the General manager of Italian Trade Agency, Roberto Luongo.
This year, on the other hand, a dedicated pavilion will be set up at Fiere di Parma to host the ‘Food&Beverage and Covid: from transition to transformation’ forum, from 2nd to 3rd September. The forum will be an opportunity to take stock of the response of Italy’s agri-food system to the Covid-19 pandemic emergency. Exports, new work organization, sustainability, and supply chain agreements are some of the topics that will be discussed and live streaming broadcast.
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With regard to Italian food exports, although in the first two months of 2020 there was a positive trend compared to total exports, the forecast is that this momentary gain is in danger of being soon lost. According to Federalimentare, “exports will suffer due to the international trade slowdown and the stop of the horeca channel. In some countries, the horeca shutdown has already caused export cuts of between 50% and 80% for Italian food and beverage products. These cuts have hit the medium-high product segments that characterize this channel, which offer the best margins to companies and distinguish the ‘personality’ of the Made in Italy itself”.
In the face of these difficulties, the Italian Trade Agency (ITA) response was immediate, intervening in favour of the Italian production system with measures of immediate impact and facilitations aimed at supporting the companies participating in its promotional initiatives.