Dairy Gorgonzola PDO Sets Production Record in 2024 Production surpasses five million wheels as Gorgonzola PDO records growth. Antonio…
Dairy Rising exports for Gorgonzola PDO In 2023, production of the renowned Italian blue cheese surged, exceeding five million…
Trade Shows The Week of the Italian Cuisine in the world kicks off in Paris Antonio Auricchio, President of the Consortium for the Protection of Gorgonzola Pdo cheese,…
Dairy Gorgonzola PDO cheese production increases as exports soar In 2021, 5,258,828 wheels were produced (+3.11% over 2020), while export sales increased by…
Dairy Gorgonzola PDO to represent Piedmont at Expo Dubai The trade show in the Emirates is scheduled for October 1, 2021. The typical cheese from…
Laws & Labels Gorgonzola PDO is among the first Italian GIs protected in China For the next four years, the EU-China bilateral trade agreement will guarantee legal…
Dairy Gorgonzola PDO export sales are Brexit-proof According to Consortium figures sales of Gorgonzola PDO grew in 2020, as well as exports,…
Dairy Gorgonzola PDO gets protection in China The agreement for the recognition of Italian PDO food and beverage products in Asian…
Dairy Gorgonzola PDO record production to boost export sales Antonio Auricchio is the new president of the Consortium for the protection of the world…