Aceto Balsamico di Modena PGI Targets International Markets

International guests, strategic partnerships, and high-level meetings form the backbone of a series of events and initiatives targeting global markets
Aceto Balsamico di Modena PGI Targets International Markets

This autumn is shaping up to be a particularly active season for Aceto Balsamico di Modena PGI, as the Protection Consortium embarks on a series of promotional events in Italy and abroad.

In recent days, a delegation of German journalists visited Modena, where they were introduced to the secrets of balsamic vinegar, exploring its historical roots and production process. The visit included tours of production sites and historical locations, offering insight into the complexities that have made the vinegar a global favorite. A similar event, this time with American journalists, is scheduled for next week, organized in collaboration with the Consortium for Aceto Balsamico di Modena Tradizionale PDO.

Soon after, the two Consortia and “Le Terre del Balsamico,” association will participate in the prestigious Alba White Truffle Fair. Held in Alba, Piedmont, this event draws chefs, gourmets, and culinary enthusiasts from around the globe to celebrate the prized white truffle. Modena’s “black gold” will feature in a masterclass that pairs it with this culinary delicacy.

Next, Switzerland will provide the backdrop for another international showcase, as Balsamic Vinegar of Modena takes its place alongside some of the world’s most renowned PDO and PGI products. Federico Desimoni, Director of the Consortium, will represent the balsamic vinegar in Geneva at the oriGIn Expert Meeting, an event focused on the latest developments in the protection of Geographical Indications (GIs) worldwide. OriGIn, a global alliance representing over 600 producer associations from 40 countries, will host the meeting. Desimoni will chair a panel on “Evocation beyond the EU,” addressing recent EU case law concerning misleading product names and consumer protection.

In Geneva, more than 180 legal experts and lawyers specializing in GI protection from across Europe and beyond will convene,” explains Desimoni. “Exchanging knowledge and experience is essential in our field, which operates on a global level. Building professional networks is the first step toward developing more effective tools for protection and raising awareness among national and international authorities. This is why the Consortium has long played a leading role in creating these networks of experts.”

Aceto Balsamico di Modena PGI,” says Consortium President Mariangela Grosoli, “ranks among the top five Italian products and is the leading export, with a market value of nearly €1 billion—an asset that brings significant benefits to the Modena area and must be safeguarded.”

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