Among the world best known and most appreciated Italian fine wines, Amarone della Valpolicella PDO is a true ambassador of Made in Italy. According to the latest analysis of survey firm Nomisma’s Wine Monitor, in 2020 Covid-19 pandemic and economic crisis have put a strain on small wineries (those with a production of less than 400 thousand bottles) which are most exposed to the Ho. Re. Ca. channel. Bigger wineries, stronger in the large-scale retail trade, instead, suffered lesser damages.
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General data related to Valpolicella wines show that exports held steady (-0.1%) while the domestic market was more difficult (-9.6%). The stability of exports is due to a greater presence abroad of large-scale retail trade than restaurants.
Amarone della Valpolicella PDO obtained a significant increase in exports, which grew by +7%. The other main types of the denomination – which can boast a total of 600 million euros in sales and 8,400 hectares of vineyards – did not report so well: Ripasso lost -6% abroad and -5% in Italy, while sales of Valpolicella fell by -3% abroad and -8% in Italy.