The European Geographical Indications system reform, focusing on PDO and PGI-labeled food and beverage products, fortifies Italy’s leading position within the European Union. With an impressive 885 recognized food and beverage products, amassing a total worth of almost 20 billion euros and involving over 86,000 operators, Italy stands at the forefront. These sentiments were echoed by Ettore Prandini, President of Coldiretti, the Italian farmers’ association, in response to the definitive approval of the reform, following two years of negotiations.
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Prandini emphasized the pivotal role played by defending the European GI system in the battle against food counterfeiting, a menace that exacts a staggering toll of 120 billion euros on Italy alone. Curbing imitations, he argued, not only supports economic and employment growth but also safeguards Italy’s rich cultural and environmental heritage.
In this context, Prandini expressed his gratitude to Paolo De Castro, the European Parliament’s rapporteur, for achieving a significant milestone that bolsters the Geographical Indications system. This reform “streamlines procedures, empowers producer Consortia, strengthens protection in the realm of online commerce, and reinforces the prohibition on using generic terms like ‘Prosek,’ which attempt to mimic the Geographical Indications of other EU member states,” Prandini says.