Piadina Romagnola PGI production soars beyond 20,000 tons

“Consumers see PGI certification as a guarantee of product quality”, says the president of the protection Consortium, Alfio Biagini
Piadina Romagnola PGI production soars beyond 20,000 tons

Certified Piadina Romagnola PGI is becoming more and more popular, so much so that last year its production has reached an all-time high exceeding 20,000 tons. This is confirmed by the figures of the Consortium for the promotion and protection of Piadina Romagnola PGI.

Last year, Piadina Romagnola production reached 22,030 tons, up +23.3% compared to 2019 (17,860 tons). The European PGI certification has established itself as an added value of this product. In fact, 87% of total production (over 22 thousand tons out of 25,276) takes place with the chrism of the Protected Geographical Indication. In the last six years (since the certification came into force, in 2014), the production of Piadina Romagnola has grown exponentially (+225%).

Click here to discover authentic Piadina Romagnola PGI on Italianfood.net platform

This is a great result, appreciated by consumers who see the PGI as a guarantee of high quality” – says Alfio Biagini, president of the Consortium. “This also demonstrates how a simple product, once considered the ‘poor bread’ of our land, has been able to become the symbol of a hard-working land that knows how to enhance its history and tradition. This is the strength of Romagna” – Biagini says.


The basic ingredients – according to the product specification – are four: wheat flour, water (enough to obtain a homogeneous dough), salt (equal to or less than 25 grams), and fats (lard, and/or olive oil and/or extra virgin olive oil up to 250 grams).

In order to bear the PGI trademark, Piadina must be packaged only in the production areas established by the regulations and certified by an appropriate body.

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