Drunk by nine out of ten Italians, with an average per capita consumption of around 220 liters, mineral water is the queen of beverages in Italy. Large-scale distribution accounts for around 80% of alcohol-free beverages sales, equal to over 2 billion euros and around 10 billion liters.
The sector is particularly dynamic when it comes to sustainable packaging and functional waters. It is also thanks to these strengths that Italian mineral water sales have been rising steadily for several seasons now. Moreover, mineral waters continue to gain ground compared to other beverage products such as soft drinks.
Click here to discover the authentic Italian beverages on Italianfood.net platform
Exports are a key factor for the Italian packaged mineral water sector. Of the 15 billion liters produced in 2019, more than 1.6 billion (about 11%) were exported. This makes Italy one of the main European exporting countries together with France. Italy ranks first in exports to the US, for a value of $227 million in 2019 (+11.4% vs. 2018, source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census). This success is due to the presence on all major world markets and on the quality of Italian mineral waters, an authentic expressions of Made in Italy F&B.