Mele del Trentino (Trentino apples) have obtained the PGI certification, which will be in force from July, 20th. Yesterday, the European Commission published in the Official Journal of the EU the final authorization for the registration of the new PGI in the European register of protected designations of origin and geographical indications (PDOs and PGIs) and traditional guaranteed specialities (TGS).
The EU Commission has recognized that the link between Trentino apples and their geographical area of production “is based on the reputation, linked to a long history that has led to the building of solid relationships with consumers who appreciate their distinctive and qualitative aspects and recognize higher prices when purchasing.”

In the typical cuisine of Trentino, the EU Commission recalls in an official statement, apples are used to make typical desserts such as strudel, apple pie, and apple fritters. The collections of ancient handwritten recipe books, dating back to 1500s, contain many variations but even today Trentino apples are the ingredient par excellence of these dishes.
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Mele del Trentino PGI come in the following varieties: Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, Gala, Fuji, Morgenduft, Renetta, Granny Smith, and Pinova.
Variety | BRIX minimum value |
Fuji | 12 |
Golden Delicious, Pinova | 11 |
Gala | 10.5 |
Morgenduft, Granny Smith | 10 |
Red Delicious, Renetta | 9 |
Mele del Trentino PGI are characterized by a medium size, white pulp, a medium acidulous taste, and a smooth skin (with the exception of the ‘ancient’ Renetta variety). Depending on the variety, they can be roundish, truncated cone shaped, or roundish flattened (Renetta). The colour varies from green to yellow with possible pink face for Golden; from green to yellow with red overcolour for Red Delicious, Fuji and Morgenduft; orange-red to bright red overcolour for Gala and Pinova; with wrinkled-rusting skin for Renetta; green with possible pink face for Granny Smith.

The geographical area of production of Mele del Trentino PGI is the Autonomous Province of Trento, in the Trentino Alto Adige-Südtirol region.