Pasta & Rice Barilla to bet on Spain The pasta maker sees high potential in the area given the high compound annual growth rate…
Trends Axfood, discover the most wanted Italian products Joan Neuman, general manager private label, reveals the role of Italian food in the…
Strategy Conad has big plans for its private labels The Italian retailer to launch a new brand dedicated to distinct and valuable segments:…
Strategy Casino and Dia make a deal The alliance will take effect, subject to approval of relevant competition authorities…
Strategy Conad posts private label gains The market share for retailer brands has now climbed to more than 27%, up from 19% in the…
Strategy Private label gets healthier but price cuts hurt A-brands In Uk the share of retailer brand food products launched with a ‘better for you’ claim…
Strategy Discount stores, opportunity or threat for Italian food? More and more discounters tap into premium private labels. Only recently, Spanish…
Trends Closing times: why Italian brand industry is growing again over private label? The percentage of consumers who opt for store brands in Italy is down while shopper’s…
Tomato, Preserves & Sauces La Doria, the leadership in the private label business is nearer The deal includes all assets of the target company, and brings La Doria to strengthen its…
Trends Why smart shoppers like private label A recent shopper research shows that if you have knowledge in a category and the confidence…