Laws & Labels Decision on EU-wide labeling system delayed until 2023 The European Commission still intends to adopt a single nutrition label for all food…
Laws & Labels Italy, France, and Spain dispute Irish wine labeling system The three major wine-producing countries unite against allowing health risk warnings,…
Beverage & Wine Italian wine: here are the best sellers of Summer 2022 The observatory of Edoardo Freddi International, Italy's first wine export management…
Laws & Labels The origin of pork meat to become mandatory on Italian cold cuts’ labels The new labels will have to show the country of birth, rearing and slaughter of the pigs…
Laws & Labels Italy and Germany united against Nutriscore Italy’s and Germany’s MEPs of the S&D and EPP parties ask EU Commissioner Stella…
Pasta & Rice Pasta, the origin of wheat on labels is confirmed The European “experiment” expires on April 1st. Unione Italiana Food will continue to…
Laws & Labels Fines for fake labels are triggered in Italy A new decree provides for fines from 500 to 40,000 euro for those who lie on…