The Italian dairy company DalterFood Group adds a new specialty to its product portfolio. It is Parmigiano Reggiano PDO made only with milk from cows of the Pezzata Rossa Italiana breed (Dappled Red Italian). A high quality cheese, unique on the Italian and global markets, it will be produced by the ‘Colline del Cigarello e Canossa’ dairy, owned by DalterFood Group. This is a high quality niche cheese, dedicated to consumers that love a rustic and sustainable lifestyle and want to know the origin of what they bring to the table.
The milk comes exclusively from the farm ‘Le Boccede’ led by Domenico Zobbi. This unique farm, immersed in an uncontaminated environment in the hills of Reggio Emilia, raises exclusively cows that are registered in the herdbook of this particular breed which has been recognized in Italy since the 1950s. Certified organic, this kind of Parmigiano Reggiano PDO bears the “Pezzata Rossa Italiana” trademark, issued by Associazione Nazionale Allevatori Bovini di razza Pezzata Rossa Italiana – ANAPRI (National Association of Dappled Red Italian Breeders).
“This new product represents a further step in our policy of segmentation of Parmigiano Reggiano PDO, further enhancing the link of this excellent product to the territory where it is made” – says Elisa Flocco, Marketing Manager of DalterFood Group. “Thanks to the Parmigiano Reggiano PDO made with Dappled Red Italian cow’s milk we also follow the path of valorization of the organic and high-quality cheese produced in our Colline del Cigarello e Canossa dairy. We have invested a lot there both in terms of production capacity and environmental sustainability” – Elisa Flocco says.
The Dappled Red Italian cow is a breed which originated in Friuli region and then spread all over Italy. Its success is due to its ability to adapt to the most inhospitable environments thanks to a good fertility and an excellent resistance to diseases. Being very rustic and particularly suited to organic farming, today this breed is mainly concentrated in mountain areas and small to medium sized family-run stables.
These characteristics also reflect in the milk. The good fat and high protein content make it pleasing to the palate and also very suitable for the production of cheese and other dairy products. Already appreciated for the production of Montasio PDO, now for the first time the milk from the Dappled Red Italian breed is ready to become Parmigiano Reggiano PDO. It will be marketed with the guarantee of the “Solo di Pezzata Rossa Italiana” logo.