Italian charcuterie companies target the Chinese market

After opening China to Italy’s rice, the Italian association of cold cuts says priority should be pork meat products
Italian charcuterie companies target the Chinese market

After the recent opening of the Chinese market to the risotto varieties of Italian rice, now it is the turn of “Italian charcuterie products,” also through the increase of the “number of establishments authorized to exports.” This is what Nicola Levoni (in the picture above), president of the Italian association of cold cuts industries, Assica, says.

All the departments involved, from the Ministry of Health to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Agriculture, will make daily efforts to encourage the reopening and acceleration of trade in pork and cured meats with short maturation in China, a market that experts indicate will continue to be in strong demand for a few years” – Levoni says.

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A step forward in this regard would consist in the possibility of sending a wider range of pork products and short-term cured meats, perhaps from the entire national territory and from a greater number of production plants “that are ready to support the investments necessary to obtain the authorization. For making such investments – says Levoni Assica always tries to assist companies, helping them to identify possible forms of aid and financing that can be used to support company choices for export expansion.”

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