Italian organic food sparks growth

The Italian Minister of Agriculture has provided the data of the sector while talking about the Green Deal strategy of the European Union. The bet for the future is on R&D

Over the years, the Italian organic food sector has been able to gain more and more market space reaching a record sales figure of 3.3 billion euros in 2019, with a 4% incidence on the total food sales. According to the latest SINAB data, the agricultural areas dedicated to organic farming have grown by 79% in the last 10 years. Italy is therefore in a privileged position in the path outlined by the EU Green Deal strategy.” This was emphasized by the Italian Minister of Agriculture Teresa Bellanova during the B/Open Digital Edition organized by VeronaFiere, within the “Green Deal, the race to organic” focus.

Click here to discover the authentic Italian organic food products

Italy comes first in Europe for the number of operators in the organic food sector with over 80,000 companies. Between 2014 and 2020 the turnover of the organic market has increased by 30% in Italy. “Thanks to an additional funding of 1.6 million euros, it was possible to launch 11 new transnational projects within the European Core OrganicCofund instrument aimed at developing more sustainable food systems, from production to consumption” – said Bellanova.

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