InstaFactory invented a machine that works directly on the field and revolutionizes the harvesting and processing of tomatoes. It was tested for the first time in the last few weeks by Italian leading company Mutti. The idea is to capture the moment of tomatoes’ perfect ripening directly on the chosen field, concentrating an entire processing plant in a space of just one thousand square meters.
“Tradition must never be just repetition, rather constant research,” says Francesco Mutti, CEO of the Parma-based red preserves group, for the last 120 years a pioneer in the canned food sector and sales leader in seven European countries.
Click here to discover the authentic Italian tomato preserves on Italianfood.net platform
The InstaFactory mobile plant takes less than two hours (compared to an average of five) to bring the tomatoes from the field to the aseptic containers, bottled in a limited edition sauce. Precisely because of the rapidity of the processing time the product maintains all its organoleptic properties, also carrying the ‘signature’ of the field of origin as for traceability.
With just four operators and two logistics staff, InstaFactory now can carry out all eight stages of tomato processing – from washing to packaging – in compliance with health and safety regulations and energy self-sufficiency. This challenge is played out in just a few days – 100 from cultivation to ripening, no more than ten for the moment of the harvest.