Pizza. The word alone is enough. The most beloved Italian food in the world, besides being good, it’s something having even the magic power to make everybody agree. Despite the world capital of pizza can undoubtedly be considered Naples, even Milan, best known for fashion and design, has its say thanks to Spontini.
This sentence, as simple as exhaustive, stands on Spontini website. The pizza franchise in fact started to spread its roots in 1926, when Innocenti family opened the first restaurant in Via Spontini, in Milan. Then, in almost one century, the passion of Innocenti family and the other people who joined the project, drove Spontini to become an international format, with 26 locations in Italy, 3 in Japan and 1 in Kuwait, serving yearly 2,4 millions pizza slices and 350,000 pans, using more than 820’000 kgs of flour.
Click here to discover some AUTHENTIC ITALIAN PIZZA INGREDIENTS on Italianfood.net Platform
And the flour, mozzarella and tomatoes, the 3 pizza’s key ingredients, are at the same time the greatest proof of Spontini’s strong commitment to Made in Italy.
The suppliers of these three raw materials can all rely on long-standing relationships with the company and can guarantee products of great quality as a transparent and short supply chain: Carlo Manzella for tomatoes, Latticini Colomba for mozzarella and Molino Certosa for the flour.

The present of Spontini and any other food retailer in Italy and all over the world, means above all Covid. “We tried – says Massimo Innocenti, the CEO – to ensure the presence to our customers even during the darkest moment of covid, through a strict compliance to the different restrictions rules imposed by the authorities for the lockdown. Furthermore, we have been close to the front-line operators of two hospitals in Milan, granting them pizza and other meals for free.

The covid drove of course to a replanning of some projects. “We still go on with the expansion in Italy, temporarily stopped by the pandemic, and we will keep exploring opportunities abroad, as happened with Japan and the Middle-East. An important sign in this direction has been the opening of two locations in South-Korea during the Italian lockdown, thanks to a local partner who signed a franchising agreement”.
This is Spontini, a pizza with heart, from Milan all over the world.