When Japan calls, Soave PDO wine answers. The successful “Soave by the glass” campaign led by Shigeru Hayashi – conceived by the Consortium for the protection of the renown wine from Veneto, in collaboration with the Wellcom agency of Alba and SoloItalia – is to restart in mid-July.
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Although there is still caution on the Japanese market, the desire to return to normality is great. Including the will to go back to restaurants as soon as possible. The Soave PDO Consortium’s decision not to suspend activities was welcomed as a sign of trust, great friendship and esteem of the member wineries towards their Japanese partners. This trust was confirmed last year with the record number of 506 restaurants involved in the initiative and 14,000 bottles uncorked.

The wineries participating in the 2020 campaign are: Cantina di Soave, Cantina di Monteforte, Cantina del Castello, GianniTessari, Inama, Montetondo, Corte Mainente, Corte Moschina, Fattori, Tenuta Sant’Antonio, Le Battistelle, Gini, Cantine Vitevis, Canoso, Cantina Valpolicella Negrar, Ilatium.
Click here to discover the Soave PDO protection Consortium’s member wineries
In order to enhance the campaign, a customized kit has been designed for the participating restaurants. It contains branded aprons, detailed and carefully drawn maps of Geographical Units, postcards to be given to customers and, above all, a publication about all the possible combinations of Soave PDO wine and Japanese cuisine.
The Consortium and its wineries will also organize thematic dinners with press and opinion leaders. The introduction of the Geographical Units is particularly interesting for attentive and curious consumers who love to experiment with novelties.
“In Japan Soave PDO has found a market that is giving great satisfaction in terms of sales stability – says Sandro Gini, president of the Consortium –. Our commitment is to give even more importance to the campaign this year, and to be close to our partners as we have always been doing.”