Trends Italian Companies Set for Growth as Exports and Consumption Rebound Cerved Forecasts revenue growth amid rising incomes and easing inflation, but U.S. tariff…
Pasta & Rice Global pasta consumption doubles The Mediterranean Diet confirms itself as a constantly growing trend all over the world.…
Condiments Olive oil winning global consumers’ preference According to a Coldiretti survey on International Olive Oil Council data, global…
Trends Halal: four key drivers for a global growth Religious and demographic variables are fueling the demand, but the need for quality…
Dairy Global consumption of cheese bound to continue growth All major International markets will be characterized by this positive trend, with the EU…
Condiments Worldwide demand for olive oil going through the roof with +73% in 25 years Consumption boom of +250% in the USA, +763% in the UK, and up to +1400% in Japan
Beverage & Wine Wine, Italy world leader as global production falls OIV estimates global production down of -5%, despite increasing consumption. Purchases are…
Coffee & Tea May coffee reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease? Updated ISIC report latest scientific research into coffee regular consumption and…
Pasta & Rice Italian pasta to become more trendy in Brazil It has become a staple of Brazilian cuisine because it is quick to make, it’s cheap, and…