Production of Taleggio PDO cheese reached 8,792 tonnes in 2022, an increase of +1.35% and over 117 tonnes compared to 2021. Exports reached an all-time record: +14.18% or 2,577 tonnes (29.3% of total production).
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66.2% of exports were absorbed by EU markets, while the remaining 33.8% were absorbed by non-EU markets. The main importers of Taleggio PDO were France, Germany, and the United States. Together they bought 13.2% of total production and 45.3% of total exports.

The Board of Directors of the Consortium for the Protection of Taleggio PDO has recently re-elected Lorenzo Sangiovanni, in office since 2014, as President for another three-year term. “We are coming out of a difficult period, mainly due to significant fluctuations in milk costs and rising energy costs which have driven up production costs and created significant difficulties for all our farms. Despite these unfortunate circumstances, we can report an increase in production, with record exports, in 2022 compared to 2021. This encourages us to continue working hard and to promote and protect Taleggio PDO in Italy and abroad,” said Sangiovanni.