The Cantuccini Toscani PGI Consortium has been officially founded

The newly established body, an advancement from the AssoCantuccini association, will wield influence and resources in safeguarding the typical Tuscan almond cookies

The official establishment of the Consortium for the Protection of Cantuccini Toscani PGI marks a significant development. This transformation stems from AssoCantuccini, an association initially founded by just nine Tuscan confectionery companies in 2011, which has now grown to include 21 members. During the Consortium’s inaugural meeting, where all participating companies are recognized producers of the famed Tuscan almond biscuits, Daniele Scapigliati was appointed President, with Giovanni Belli assuming the role of Vice President.

The formation of this Protection Consortium empowers the newly established body to access public funding for the promotion of Cantuccini, both domestically and internationally. It also enhances its authority in fighting counterfeiting and imitation products.


Production data, disclosed by Assocantuccini a few months ago for the year 2022, show a 12.7% decrease compared to 2021, resulting in a certified production volume of 3,597 tonnes. This decline, however, must be considered within the context of a far unbroken growth trajectory dating back to 2016.

In preceding years, the export share had risen from 37% to 50%, driven by a strategy that explored previously uncharted markets and secured new high-value clients. Despite the overall production drop, exports continued to gain ground, increasing their share to 52% in 2022, with a notable surge in sales to non-EU countries, climbing from 9% to 14%. This growth was primarily fueled by the United States and Switzerland.

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