In the Club Gourmet store the retailer raises the bar of all the assortment positioning and this is true also for the Italian offer.
In pasta category there is a high quality selection both of Italian brands and Italian specialty products. Starting from the range of own label pasta produced in Italy, that is bronze drawn – slowly dried at low temperatures. The packaging has an educational about the cooking steps in order to obtain a pasta ‘al dente’. The retailer chooses the same price positioning for the special Lumaconi of Cavalier Cocco: at a price of €4,30 they are the “entry level” of the branded offer. Big Italian brands are on the display: Martelli stands on the shelf with some regional specialties such as the Fusilli di Pisa or the Maccheroni di Toscana; Mancini Pastificio Agricolo presents special pasta shapes such as Paccheri, Bucatini and Chitarra; Filotea distinguishes itself with its particular pack format; Cipriani stands out thanks to the elegant Tiffany blue box.

Very interesting also the dairy display: it includes a selection of Parmigiano Reggiano Pdo by Parmareggio in pieces, petals and grated, and other specialties from Italy like the Mascarpone da latte di Montagna from South Tyrol, Pecorino Romano Pdo, Moliterno al tartufo and the original Camembert di Bufala produced by 3B Latte (Inalpi).

According to the festivity time, an entire head gondola is reserved to the Easter colombas including the Classic Colomba by Borsari and the Chocolate Colomba by Pasticceri Siciliani. Other Italian brands are in the bakery categories. Among cookies there is Biscottificio Orlando Grondona with Gallette biscuits, Cantuccini and the typical Canestrelli from Genova. Another Italian regional specialty is in the savory segment and comes from Sardinia: the Pane Carasatu Guttiau Smart by Panificio Battacone.