After the first acquisition, signed in 2020, of a Spanish company specialized in the production of packaged breads, the Italian group Morato Pane has taken another important step towards the consolidation of its role as a player in Spain. The Italian bakery company has in fact acquired from Cerealto-Siro a production plant in the north of Spain, in Briviesca.
“The development of our business in Spain – says Stefano Maza, CEO of Morato Group – is one of our strategic priorities in a very high-potential market, which today we already preside as a supplier of Mercadona for some product categories. The acquisition was made possible thanks to the participation of Italy’s Casalini Group, a leading industrial company with an important know-how in the bakery products market that will contribute substantially to the growth of Briviesca.”
With its 10 production lines on a 34,000 square meters plant, tha company based in Briviesca can produce various types of baked goods. Nowadays its turnover is around 35 million euros, bringing Morato Pane to a consolidated turnover of 65 million euros in Spain. This operation pursues the goal of developing at least 50% of the total turnover abroad, strengthening the Italian company in markets where it is already present. But above all, opening other opportunities in Europe.