IN&OUT project by Apo Conerpo promotes European fruit & vegetables

More than 3,400 promotional days are planned in the national and foreign large-scale retail trade in August. European fruit and vegetables will be the protagonist in 340 points of sale
IN&OUT project by Apo Conerpo promotes European fruit & vegetables

IN&OUT, the enhancement project of the group of Italian cooperatives Apo Conerpo – specialized in fruit and vegetables – is coming to life. Next August, in fact, more than 3,400 promotional days will take place within the Italian and foreign large-scale retail trade.

Apo Conerpo

Up to 340 points of sale will be involved in this first phase of IN&OUT activities – says the president of Apo Conerpo, Davide Vernocchifor a total of over 3,400 promotional days. We will be present in some of the main distribution chains in Italy and in the target countries of this project: Austria and Denmark. The aim will be to make consumers discover that there is a whole world inside European fruit and vegetables. In every fruit and vegetable there is a daily commitment to respect for the environment, conscious agriculture, saving of natural resources, good agronomic practices, circular economy, safety, and traceability.”

Discover the authentic Italian fruit and vegetables products on platform

Eight large-scale retail chains in Italy are involved in the project. Consumers entering the 240 points of sale of Bennet, Conad Group cooperatives, Coop Group, Arena Group and IN’S will find corners with information on the nutritional characteristics and sustainability of European fruit and vegetables.

Apo Conerpo

The activities will continue until the end of August, with particular attention to the Danish market to which specific initiatives will be addressed.

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