Brexit doesn’t scare Cirio’s red preserves. In 2020 they conquered the tables of British consumers confirming their first place in the ranking of the best-selling Italian tomato sauces brands in the UK. Sales have increased, doubling the boom (+23%) that affected the entire tomato sector in the months leading up to Brexit in a single year (source: Nielsen).
“Our sales growth trend – explains Diego Pariotti (in the picture above), foreign commercial director of Conserve Italia (the cooperative consortium owner of the Cirio brand, which has over 160 years of history) – should not be read as a simple result of the panic buying that affected all food products in the first months of the pandemic. In fact, data shows that it was precisely in the second half of the year, when the panic effect disappeared, that Cirio products recorded the highest sales growth (more than double the market).” Cirio’s share of the UK canned tomatoes market is currently around 10%. It is the best-selling Italian brand in the UK and the second best-selling brand in the red canned tomato category.
In order to consolidate this excellent performances, Conserve Italia has launched a new advertising campaign, with the claim “The quality that comes from the fields of our farmers”. Cirio’s products come from a cooperative chain of over 14,000 Italian farmers, under the “Farmer Owned” brand.
In the meantime, a social contest entitled “The Cirio Challenge” (#CirioChallenge) has also kicked off, betting on the quality of the products. If consumers don’t grasp the difference, the company is ready to give back the money for the purchase of the products (love it, or money back!). To take part in the contest it is necessary to publish videos on social media channels in which consumers create dishes using Cirio products. English bloggers will also be involved to illustrate the preparation of recipes with videos broadcast on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.