De Matteis Agroalimentare pasta company relies on blending its agricultural production of the best durum wheat with people’s know-how and cutting-edge technology. Operating in Italy and in 45 countries around the world, this company boasts a state-of-the-art industrial site, with an annual production capacity of over 150,000 tonnes.

What makes it stand out from other run-of-the-mill businesses is its own mill that is directly connected to the pasta factory. This allows the staff to control the processing of the raw material at every stage, from cleaning to grinding, so as to obtain a fresh product of the highest quality. The factory makes more than 130 long and short pasta shapes for a variety of proprietary brands. Amongst the latter are Pasta Armando, which is exclusively produced with 100% Italian wheat from the Armando supply chain and is marketed in Italy and in about 10 foreign countries, Baronìa and Donna Vera, which are mainly destined for exports, as well as private label products.

The company created the Armando supply chain ten years ago and is based on a pact between the pasta factory and the farmers. The ‘Patto Armando’ (literally: Armando Pact) defines the quality standards of the wheat and the best agricultural practices with which to cultivate it whilst respecting the environment, as well as establishing a fair consideration for those who cultivate it. All of this ensures a totally traceable product, with zero residue of the main plant protection products used in agriculture.
De Matteis Agroalimentare is also committed to the environment. It has invested in the construction of a cogeneration plant in Flumeri that is capable of covering over 80% of the company’s needs and reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Moreover, the company pays great attention to the environmental impact of packaging, in particular for Armando: it has gradually abandoned plastic packs in favour of solutions made with innovative and ecocompatible, biodegradable and compostable materials.

Exports represent an important part of De Matteis’ business (75% of turnover, which roughly equals 150 million euro in 2019). In its reference markets in Europe, North America and Asia, the company has created partnerships with importers and distributors as well as opening a commercial branch in New York. The company’s pasta is on the shelves in the main retailers worldwide with its own brand or private label products. Therefore, exports are a front on which De Matteis Agroalimentare will continue to invest in the coming years.