In just a few years Master, the Veneto-based company from Vedelago (Treviso), has become the Italian specialist in the fresh potato gnocchi (dumplings) sector, expanding its business volume both on the domestic and foreign markets. “This month – announces Adriano Bianco, CEO of Master – we will officially inaugurate the third production line, enhanced and technologically more advanced than the two lines we currently use for the processing of our gnocchi. The increase in production capacity also means an increase in the raw material used. We are therefore expanding the plant to daily process 33% more potatoes than those currently processed. In fact, every day, we clean, process by hand, steam with the peel, peel and squeeze 15-20 tons of fresh potatoes to produce ‘homemade’ gnocchi.”

“We are regularly engaged in the search for suppliers that guarantee quality and consistency of raw material – Mr Bianco adds -. By processing only natural raw materials, consistency of supply is essential. For 2020 we are studying the development of a series of original recipes and new lines in terms of gnocchi format. At the same time, we are also paying great attention to the study of new packaging, with eco-compatible materials. Depending on the products and portions: neutral wrapping film in cardboard boxes, film with labels, printed film, or thermo formed tray.”
Currently, exports account for 15% of the company’s turnover, which in 2019 exceeded 18 million euros. Among the 15 foreign countries receiving Master gnocchi, the UK, Australia, the United States, Canada, South Africa, and Germany stand out.
The classic Mamma Emma potato gnocchi are confirmed as the most performing references, but gnocchi stuffed with Gorgonzola PDO, Asiago PDO and porcini mushrooms, or potatoes and pumpkin are performing well too.
In 2019 Master launched the first vegan Mamma Emma line: an option for those who care for their wellbeing:

This product has just won the Innovation award Scelto Miglior Prodotto Food 2020 in Italy

Founded in 1993, Master is the global leader in the production of gnocchi from 100% fresh potatoes. Master’s premium brand “mamma emma” is recognized worldwide for its artisanal quality. Master is a reliable partner for the production of PL.