IDDBA 2020, the international trade show dedicated to dairy, deli, and bakery, has been canceled due to the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak.
“We remained optimistic – the organizers wrote in an official statement – that we would be able to put the show on in Indianapolis on May 31-June 2. The exponential progression of the virus continues. With the global impacts and hardships our members, community, and industry continue to face while carrying the daunting responsibility to keep food on our tables during these difficult times, we had to make the unavoidable decision to cancel. While we continued to plan the show as scheduled, the U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams’ announcement on March 29, 2020 deeming Indianapolis, Indiana as an emerging hotspot for Covid-19 makes it painfully evident that continuing to plan the show puts the health and well-being of those we serve and our partners at risk.”
Italian companies exhibiting at the last edition of the IDDBA trade show focused on ready to eat meals, natural snacks, showing innovation and versatility to serve both the fresh and center stores, as well as the retail and foodservice channels:

Waiting for the next edition we offer you NEW PRODUCTS IN THE COLD CUTS AND CHEESES CATEGORIES, and the possibility to get in direct contact with Italian suppliers on Italianfood.net platform
“In these unprecedented times – the statement adds – our top priority is the health and safety of all attendees, exhibitors, staff, volunteers, and industry partners. We have cultivated a strong and supportive Community over the years, which is a key component in order to keep persevering and navigating through these upcoming months of uncertainty.”
From now on, registration and exhibitor fees will be fully refunded. IDDBA 2020 exhibitors will have two options:
- Full credit toward IDDBA 2021
- Full refund of fees paid to IDDBA for IDDBA 2020
Exhibitors are asked to notify IDDBA by May 1 with their decision by emailing exhibits@iddba.org.