Italian salumi: mandatory labelling is coming soon

Agreement reached between the Italian government and regions on the decree providing for the mandatory indication of origin of pork meat
Italian salumi: mandatory labelling is coming soon

A decisive step forward in the direction of the green light to the mandatory origin labelling on all cured meats in Italy came with the recent agreement reached at the government – regions conference on the decree introducing the indication of origin for processed pork meat. The production of cured meats and pork meat in Italy is worth 20 billion euros.


The measure requires producers to indicate legibly on labels the information relating to: Country of birth: (name of the country where the animals were born); Country of rearing: (name of the country where the animals were reared); Country of slaughter: (name of the country where the animals were slaughtered).

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When the meat comes from pigs that were born, raised and slaughtered in the same country the indication of origin may appear in the form: Origin: (name of the country). The “100% Italian” wording can only be used when the meat comes from pigs that are born, raised, slaughtered and processed in Italy. When the meat comes from pigs born, raised and slaughtered in one or more EU or non-EU Member States, the indication of origin may appear in the following forms: “Origin: EU”, “Origin: Extra EU”, “Origin: EU and Extra EU”.


The mandatory origin labelling of cold cuts is the last chapter in a battle for transparency Italy has long been engaged in. The obligation to indicate the origin of peeled tomatoes, pulp, concentrate and other tomato products on the labels arrived in February 2018. In the same period, the obligation to indicate on the label the origin of wheat for pasta and rice came into force, as well as – in April 2017 – the obligation to indicate the country of milking for milk and dairy products.

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