Raineri Continental Delicatessen (Sydney, New South Wales) is a time capsule to Italy in Australia, back in the ’60-70ies, a golden era where vespas would spend in the narrow streets of big cities and clothes were hung to dry from window to window in a pretty country village. The deli looks feels and tastes like an authentic Italian alimentari. The shop was opened around 1980 with “Italy in the heart” and soon became a local hub for Italian migrants in one of the Italian headquarters of Sydney. The scene was different when Sarina Raineri started the business with her husband Pietro – or Peter as he is known in Australia.
Italian migrants would go to Raineri’s to do their shopping for the week “as we do in Italy, you know” – she explained to Italianfood.net –. “There was so much more Italian food around but today there are more multicultural influences and cuisine to try and people will buy fewer items”. We have asked her if the competition with major chains would have any part with that as well. She proudly answered: “We don’t care; they have many Italian products, yes, but we have the best products”.
For Sarina quality is the secret ingredient; working with local importers the deli secures a vast selection of cured meats, cheeses, pasta, antipasto, biscuits, oils and condiments of higher quality than those same products that are available in supermarkets. The top three categories customers keep on going back are biscuits, cheeses, and prosciutto because, as Sarina explained, “we only have the best Prosciutto San Daniele”.
While you wait inline to be served, you can enjoy a tasting of various cheeses, cold meats, and oils. Among the cheeses, it’s a must to try some Pecorino, both spicy and normal. Adding to its old true soul, Parmigiano Reggiano is grated on the spot: not only is it cheaper then the one sold in major supermarkets, it is also much better in quality and freshness. A service that is so rare to find in Australia that feels like a treat.