Made in Italy quality has allowed Italian food to establish an all-time record in 2016: €38 billion, with a 3% growth. According to a Coldiretti’s study on foreign trade Istat data, in the first nine months of 2016 almost three quarters of the total Italian food export were heading to the EU (+4%). However, Italian food export is growing everywhere, from North America to Asia and Oceania. The sole exception is Russia, and that is due to the embargo which didn’t prevent to establish a sales record globally.
ITALIAN FAVORITE PRODUCTS – Wine is once again the Italian most favorite product abroad, with a growth of 3% after fruits and vegetables (+4%), cheeses (+7%) and olive oil (+6%). Leap forward for salumi also: +8%. As for Italian products’ performances in single foreign states, there is surprising news. Starting with the success of Italian wine in France (+5%, with a stunning +57% for sparkling wine), USA (+3%), Australia (+14%) and Spain (+1%). In addition to wine, French consumers seem to appreciate Italian cheese too, whose sales have grown of +8%. Italian dairies grow also in China (+34%), where pasta as well is skyrocketing (+16%). Excellent results for beer also, which confirms its growth in the Nordic countries such as Germany (+6%), Sweden (+7%) and Great Britain (+3%), not forgetting the hotshot in Ireland (+31%). The record set by Italian food products on foreign tables shows the significant potential of Italy’s agri-food sector, which is driving Made in Italy economic recovery, said the President of Coldiretti Roberto Moncalvo.