Eataly and Dop and Igp cold cuts Consortia part of ISIT (Istituto Salumi Italiani Tutelati – Italian Protected Cold Cuts Institute, the most important cold cuts Consortia association from 1999) carry on a project intended to enhance Italian good quality cold cuts production. In September this year, 13 ISIT Consortia will arrange two training days for Eataly employees. Therefore, thanks to a thorough and continued knowledge it’s easier to ensure a service that is full detailed and sensitive to customers needs. Furthermore, from September 23 to October 9 Eataly’s restaurants in Italy will provide a plate dedicated to one of the 19 Dop and Igp ISIT cold cuts. It’ll be the perfect opportunity to discover Italy’s excellent cold cuts, experiencing their unique and incomparable flavors.
ITALIAN COLD CUTS – Italy is known around the world for its excellent food, a result of Italian biodiversity and local traditions. Of these, cold cuts production stands out as it represents a one of a kind heritage. In fact, it’s protected through brands such as Dop (Protected Designation of Origin) and Igp (Protected geographical Indication). To this day in Italy there are 21 Dop and 20 Igp cold cuts, each one of which can satisfy customers’ taste for an increasing guarantee of quality and a strong link with geographical areas. From special Prosciutto di San Daniele, Prosciutto Toscano and Prosciutto di Modena to finest Culatello di Zibello. From cold cuts rooted in local tradition like Salame di Varzi, Salame Brianza and Coppa Piacentina to Bresaola della Valtellina, Salame Cacciatore and Cotechino Modena. Last but not least, the aromatic flavors of Mortadella Bologna, Speck Alto Adige and Soppressata di Calabria.
ISIT CONSORTIA – Consorzio di Tutela Bresaola della Valtellina, Consorzio Cacciatore, Consorzio di Tutela del Culatello di Zibello, Consorzio Mortadella Bologna, Consorzio del Prosciutto di Modena, Consorzio del Prosciutto di San Daniele, Consorzio del Prosciutto Toscano, Consorzio Salame Brianza, Consorzio di Tutela del Salame di Varzi, Consorzio di Tutela dei Salumi di Calabria Dop, Consorzio Salumi Dop Piacentini, Consorzio Tutela Speck Alto Adige, Consorzio Zampone Modena e Cotechino Modena.