FOCUS ON WELLBEING – This innovation, after the gluten-free pasta launched in 2014 (currently accounting for about 2% of the group’s total sales), confirms once again the interest of the Italian company in the area of wellness and health. Miloud Benahouda, vice president for Western Europe Barilla, said that the new line, produced in southern Italy with local organic durum wheat, within five years could account for about 10% of the sales. Hence, it will be supported by significant investment in communication.
BARILLA’S FIGURES IN FRANCE – In France, currently the main European market of the Italian multinational, a wide selection (ranging from pastas to sauces to baked goods) is being offered. Over the past year, this market has recorded an interesting growth trend in all categories, reaching around 500 million euro in sales; a turnover that corresponds to 0.5% of the total market of consumer goods, and got the company in the 32nd position among the industry players.