In the fragmented world market of the dry pasta category, if we take a closer look, there are just two top Italian companies: Barilla, which is “dominant” with a 10.9% share in value, which from 2013 to today has recorded a slight downward trend and De Cecco with 2.4% constant growth over the same time frame. Among the most fearsome opponents for the two standard bearers of made in Italy pasta in the world are, in particular, two leading players who happen to also have some important Italian brands in their portfolio: the Spanish company Ebro Foods, which acquired the Garofalo brand two years ago and ranks behind Barilla with a 4.6% share, in sharp decline on the previous year, and Molinos Rio de la Plata, the Argentinian multinational with the Delverde brand, with a 2% share in strong increase since 2003. Another prominent player of the “World Championship of dry pasta” is private label which holds the largest share of the market: more than 16%, and constantly rising.
As for the emerging consumer trends that are expressed in the new product launches, there is a varied situation from region to region. In Europe companies focus on the “natural” slogan, in North America they are oriented on the “free from” products, whereas in Latin America focus is put on functional products.