Beverage & Wine Drinks sober up as consumers get thirsty for health Italian sodas with low calories and sugar grow. Spirits follow the trend
Retail Premium propels store brands to new speed Private label growth outpaces brands at the end of 2017, Nielsen says. Schnucks buyer:…
Trends Meal kit mania: innovation for foodies In the year ended 2017 in-store meal kits generated $154.6 million in sales, posting growth…
Trends The growth of agro-food sector in 2017 According to latest Agrosserva report, the economic recovery in Italy was driven by…
Sweets & Confectionery Snacks shaping the growth on EU sweets markets The sweets market grew slightly in the year between November 2016 and November 2017, mainly…
Trends Italian food, sales go up “Down Under” The development of brand awareness strategies is the key to attracting Australian…
Retail Aldi enters grocery delivery in partnership with Instacart The German grocery chain will launch a pilot in Los Angeles, Atlanta and Dallas with the…
Trends Halal: four key drivers for a global growth Religious and demographic variables are fueling the demand, but the need for quality…
Bakery & Snacks Premium natural snacks win shelf space US supermarket bakery category sales reached 11.6 billion dollars according to Nielsen and…
Trends E-commerce increasingly popular with consumers Supermarket giants like Wal-Mart Stores and Kroger are already drawing sales from their…