Trends Unstoppable: the Italian food supply chain will be worth €575 billion by the end of the year Despite the pandemic hiccups the sector will grow +7%, according to Coldiretti the…
Fruit & vegetables The Italian fruit exports hit an all-time high In the first 5 months of 2021 export sales grew by +6% in value breaking a twenty-one year…
Dairy Italian cheeses exports set an all time high in the first 4 months of 2021 Sales increased by +7.5%, worth more than one billion euros also thanks to the reopening of…
Trends How Food and Beverage became the main wealth of Italy During the Covid-19 pandemic, the value of the entire agri-food chain reached 25% of GDP,…
Trends Italian F&B exports are pandemic-proof Italian food and beverage products are marking a historical export record even in the…
Trends The impact of global recession on Italian food exports In 2020 F&B was the only growing economic sector considering the demand from foreign…
Trends Why Italian food exports keep soaring Despite Covid-19 emergency, in the first seven months of 2020 Italian F&B products’ sales…
Strategy Italy launches its agri-food exports plan to fight Coronavirus The extraordinary 2020 plan for the promotion of Made in Italy is worth 44.6 billion euros.…
Beverage & Wine Italy is the World’s Leading Wine Producer ahead of France, Spain In the first five months of 2019 sales grew by 5.4% compared to last year, when they…
Trends UK: Fear of Brexit Driving Italian Food Exports to the Rooftops According to Italian farmers’ association Coldiretti, Italy’s food and beverage exports…