Laws & Labels Traffic light labels come to France Already present in the UK, colour labelling could soon be introduced in France. French…
Dairy Anuga, Italian cheese in pole position Italy had a central role in the dairy industry pavilion with more than 100 Italian companies
Dairy Silter: a new Pdo in the Italian cheese sector The recognition means that Italy is European record holder with 51 Pdo cheeses
Dairy Italian cheese increased sales in the United Arab Emirates The export of Italian dairy products and cheeses stands at 1,012 tons, growing by a strong …
Dairy Fresh foods: what are Europe’s top winners? According to a an Iri Survey, cheese, yoghurt, milk, butter and dairy products account for…
Dairy Will Japan replace Italian dairy food embargo from Russia? Thanks to the Italian dairy industries Association Assolatte, which organised and hosted…
Dairy The traffic lights labelling saga continues… Despite the scheme, british consumers keeps on buying Italian cheese in ever greater…