Green light from the European Union to list Silter in the register of Pdo products. Assolatte, the Italian dairy industry association, welcomes the allocation of the Pdo certification from Brussels, that rewards the commitment of the Italian industry in defending traditional products. “We are very pleased with the result – explains Adriano Hribal, deputy chair of Assolatte – because it represents further recognition of excellence, uniqueness, and the goodness of typical Italian cheeses. But mainly because it rewards the commitment of the Italian dairy industry in preserving the traditions of typical production methods in our country, because behind every cheese there is not only good milk but also the skill of the cheese maker and the care with which companies follow up and monitor the entire production process. The European Union itself recognizes the ability of Italian dairy and, with Silter, there are 51 Italian cheeses that have been awarded a European Pdo certification of origin. No one in Europe is better than us”. Silter is a semi-hard cheese, produced in Valle Camonica and in the Sebino Bresciano area made from non pasteurised naturally semi-skimmed milk, with no colorings or preservatives. The cheese is salted by hand and left to mature for at least 100 days in the silters (the special seasoning rooms, from which the cheese takes its name). This cheese is characterized by sweet, savory and spicy hints that strengthen as the cheese matures. Pdo Silter can be recognized by two markings: the origin marking, with some Vallecamonica markings alongside two edelweiss, and the writing ‘Silter Pdo’ on each form.