At the top of innovation in the food sector, there are not only the start ups in the Silicon Valley. Many are in fact Italian excellence that invest in research, and often they are small businesses run by young people. A resource to be exploited with significant economic support, but also thanks to the stage offered by Expo. This is why the Ministry of Agriculture has launched a competition in order to select 25 companies and offer the opportunity to show their ideas during the Milan event. At the top of the list of the chosen few there is PNAT, a University of Florence spin-off, with the Jellyfish Barge project. A modular floating 70 square metre greenhouse, provided with solar panels and stills, as well as turbines which exploit the wave motion. The Winefathers, another competitor, has created a website that allows wine enthusiasts to become partners of artisan producers, providing financial aid to agriculture, giving the opportunity to participate in the harvest, visit the winery and get discounts on the price of the bottles.
Other agriculture processing products to be noted are Kiwiny with Kiwiny Juice, an organic drink, packaged in Elopak that allows the maintenance of color, texture and flavor without resorting to refrigeration and preservatives.
Or the “giacciolio” initiative by Riccardo Minetti, which offers the sale of Tuscan extra virgin olive oil in single-servings, ready to be consumed or stored in the freezer.
Space is also to be given to the innovative product by the Nidemar company, with their Pasta Vera branded pasta, with a closed supply chain, presented in a new special format which is smooth outside and lined inside.