Ro.Mar., packaged bread never compromising quality

Tradition, innovation, flexibility and genuineness are driving the success of one of the leading Italian players in the bakery industry
Ro.Mar., packaged bread never compromising quality

Ro.Mar. is an Italian company specializing in the production of packaged bread for retail, industry and foodservice, founded by the Semenzato family in 1890. The company provides tailor-made solutions for a large number of Italian and international private labels, combining the flexibility of an artisanal bakery with the production capacity of a large industrial complex.

Among the most successful ingredients that allow Ro.Mar. to stand out among industry players are the unique production process combining manual skill with cutting-edge technology, the use of premium-quality ingredients and the addition of sourdough to every dough mix.

The company’s own sourdough, self-produced in its facility, is the special ingredient. The unique touch giving Ro.Mar.’s bread the inimitable, genuine taste consumers love as well as the fragrance, softness and digestibility typical of home-made bread.


Every day the Ro.Mar. plants produce 4 bread lines: horizontally and vertically sliced tramezzini bread, pre-sliced bread, and bread loaves in different flavours and variants to meet any kind of customers’ needs. In addition to tramezzini bread – still made following the original Venetian recipe – the company has recently introduced a new product called “Carezze di pane” under the Semenzato brand, available on retail store shelves. The product features larger, softer tramezzini slices, made with wholesome ingredients like sourdough, olive oil and soft wheat flour.



Last year the USA and Canada drove the sales growth of Ro.Mar.:+10%, “mainly thanks to the vertical sandwich, which has allowed us to acquire very important customers” – says CEO Stefano Sacco. The efforts of the company are aimed at consolidating its presence in those countries. At the same time it intends to develop the business in two areas where it is not yet present: Eastern and Northern Europe. On the innovation side, the company has recently launched a new product for sandwiches characterized by larger and thicker slices and focused on the development of organic references all over the world.

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