#Omegliocafè. The Neapolitan translation of “the best coffee”, well displayed on barkepeer’s t-shirt of Caffè Napoli let you immediately realize you are not drinking just another coffee, but a Coffee with a capital C. And it could not be otherwise when talking about a format founded by three Neapolitans guys, focused on caffè espresso.

The format Caffè Napoli has digital roots, put down during the EXPO2015. During that time, with eyes of the world turned on Milan and the food, the three founders, Francesco Fiandra and the Compagnoni bros, Mauro and Fabio, all with a reliable track-record on digital had the idea to bring to Milan the signature drink of their city, Naples, launching Caffè Napoli.
Besides the incredible and obvious “social soul” given to the format by the three founder’s background, Caffè Napoli has an equally obvious commitment on Made in Italy.
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In the 21 stores in Milan and the one in London, all designed in “Neapolitan” style, the guests can enjoy the “Vero Espresso Napoletano”, served with the iconic “cremina” and indulge the pastries of Neapolitan tradition: sfogliatella, pastiera, caprese and babà, all made by a trusted pastry, Neapolitan of course, for a full commitment on Made in Italy, or better Made In Naples.

At the moment of course, all the stores are closed due to Covid19 lockcdown, but the Neapolitan soul of the founders allow them to look forward and don’t lose heart, as explained by Mauro Compagnoni: “Actually we are full of uncertainties. We don’t know when and especially how we could re-open. We have to consider the average size of our stores is 40 mq and during the peak hours, breakfast and after lunch there are long queues of people waiting up to 1,15 hours to be served. With the new regulations that will allow only 1 person inside the store we could face some problems”.

But the 3 founders are already working on new business opportunities, exploiting the Caffè Napoli brand’s strength. “Before Covid, the incidence of delivery was the 0,3%. Now we are working to enhance this service with the coffee pods compatible with Nespresso and the coffee in grains. Our idea is to prepare and deliver the boxes composed by the coffee, our branded majolica cups and our signature pastries, not anymore single but in multiportions.”
The format has recently signed an agreement with Autogrill, that will drove to 5 new openings in the italian travel retail and even abroad. “We rely a lot on this collaboration, that will allow to further expand our brand, in Italy and abroad.”