In this very difficult moment for global economy, the Consorzio delle Venezie DOC Pinot Grigio production is in line with the seasonal averages of the last two years. Taking into account the harvest trend of 2019, there is substantial stability in terms of bottling and certifications growth. Wineries are working continuously and the certification control body, Triveneta Certificazioni, is fully operational, ensuring that bottling can proceed on a regular basis.
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“The market of Pinot Grigio delle Venezie resists, and to date has not shown any problems – says the Consortium president Albino Armani -. The slightly growing numbers of certifications in the first quarter – 511,752 hL, growing by +6.9% over 2019, are the result of a consolidated trend in recent months that is still not affected by the economic downturn of recent weeks. We are constantly monitoring the market, and ready to intervene in order to protect the supply chain, counteracting any speculative trends. The coming months are a big unknown and we do not hide a certain concern, but we do not want to give in to pessimism either. On the other hand, we welcome the new measures taken in recent days by the government to overcome this emergency.”
The Pinot Grigio delle Venezie market trend in the first quarter of 2020 is therefore constant, above all thanks to distribution in the international large-scale retail channel. Exports data are still positive, even in a situation that is certainly negatively affecting the Italian economy – starting with ho.re.ca. and the tourism industry.
Discover the member wineries of Pinot Grigio delle Venezie Consortium
Following the cancellation of international trade fairs in the sector – Prowein and Vinitaly – with transport and B2B contacts reduced to their historical minimum, Consorzio delle Venezie is relying on well-known professionals in the sector for the creation of digital tasting and webinars. The goal is to reach buyers (with an eye towards the USA), but also to educate consumers on the meaning of certification and traceability, helping them discovering the Consortium’s companies.