Pasta di Gragnano PGI is one of the most successful products in terms of production value among the 300 PDO and PGI Italian food & beverage products. According to the latest Qualivita-Ismea report, the turnover generated by this product – a symbol of Campania and Italian food culture – reached 186 million euros, growing by more than 62 per cent.

Giuseppe Di Martino, from the Pasta di Gragnano PGI protection Consortium (established in 2003) as well as CEO of Pastificio Di Martino, looks with optimism at the production and marketing cycle of this kind of pasta. “I would like to reassure everyone that there are no supply problems – Mr Di Martino told Naples local newspaper Il Mattino-. Pasta remains within everyone’s reach, in Italy and abroad. The situation is quite fluid, and demand has shifted from collective and high-quality ho.re.ca. to home consumption. But overall, consumption has increased.”

Discover the authentic Pasta di Gragnano PGI on Italianfood.net
As for exports, “we are registering a very strong demand from all over the world. To increase production – explains Di Martino – we are trying to simplify the number of formats, with the aim of offering the availability of the entire range. Especially for foreign countries, a lower number of formats allows consumers to find pasta more easily.” As far as export logistics are concerned, “we are overcoming the difficulties we encountered at the Brenner Pass, and Europe is guaranteeing transport between member states. From the port of Naples we have no problems in reaching foreign markets – including China – with our products.”

What about the U.S.? “Trump has underestimated the problem, like the rest of the Western world. I am concerned about a system where public health does not exist and where there is also a lack of social safety nets. All our ho.re.ca. customers closed down and the following day all employees became unemployed without protection. It is terrible to imagine what their fate could be. We hope that appropriate solutions can be found to encourage a rapid restart and a real recovery.” says Di Martino.
- Garofalo
- Pastificio Liguori
- Premiato Pastificio Antonio Massa
- D’Aragona
- D’Aniello
- Il Re della Pasta
- Premiato Pastificio Afeltra
- Il Mulino di Gragnano
- La Fabbrica della Pasta di Gragnano
- Antiche Tradizioni di Gragnano
- Pastificio Di Martino
- Pastificio Dei Campi
- Pastai Gragnanesi
- L’Oro di Gragnano