Imma and Mario Caporaso arrived in Australia in 1968 from the province of Benevento in Campania. They established a humble continental deli under their names in Rostrevor, on the northeast side of SA capital city, in 1972. Their shop was one of the first places in Australia where you could buy authentic Parmigiano Reggiano. In the early days, the store simply stocked local and imported general grocery items such as cheeses, oils, smallgoods and coffee.

“Although initially it was tough when they first arrived with regards to a new language, acceptance from the locals, financial constraints, they always saw Australia as the lucky country and the land of opportunity if one was prepared to work hard at it” tells the daughter Jacinta Catania, Marketing Communications Coordinator at Mercato.

Today Mercato is still “Adelaide’s own slice of Italy” and is run with the same passion by Imma and Mario’s son John who turned the local corner grocery store info a food mecca. “Mercato’s core values continue with what mum and dad built since day 1 only presented for today’s market – continues Ms. Catania -. We have continued on developing our deli and grocery section focusing on quality and authentic products for Italian cuisine. Since then we have also introduced a liquor section, an Italian bar and also host regular functions and events for private and for businesses. We have also introduced our online store where a limited range is available for order and delivered to your door”.

A grocery store, a deli selection and a wine cellar provide with some of the best ingredients from Italy South Australians can buy, but for those feeling a little lazy, the kitchen has a large variety of take-away options or eat-in meals.