Italian leading preserves and sauces company Formec Biffi closed 2018 with double-digit growth: +20% by volume in the mayonnaise segment – with classic, organic and vegetable sauces pulling – and +10% by volume in the other sauces. This is mainly thanks to sales of the ‘Biffi I Love Street Food’ line of sauces, a new brand registered internationally and launched at the end of the year.
Alessandro Bozzini, Marketing & Communication Manager, analyses: “Biffi has always been the perfect combination of tradition and innovation. Consumers appreciates our keeping our roots in the past, being the bearer of the values of tradition, but gives us great credibility and ability to bring innovation on the shelves. The Italian nature of the company and its production is our flag. One of the company’s strong points, in fact, is the R&D laboratory: thanks to our researchers and extreme production flexibility, we create recipes designed specifically for each reference market.”

A good example is the new Biffi I Love Street Food line, which consists of 11 recipes selected from all over the world (Burger, Guacamole, Thai and others) and interpreted in an Italian key, according to consumers’ tastes and eating habits. “Packaging – continues Bozzini – is also very innovative and distinctive, recalling the characteristics of Street Art.” And what about communication? “Since last March, we’ve been working on a marketing plan focused on digital activities, together with influencers, social media and native advertising in order to reach younger consumers that love this kind of sauce.”