The Vinitaly International Academy global community continues to grow steadily with 7 Italian Wine Ambassadors newly certified in Los Angeles. The overall count then raises to 177 accredited members, even if the broader alumni community reaches 500 wine professionals worldwide that have been through the program since 2015. The new Ambassadors certified in Los Angeles are all experienced wine professionals based in the United States and the UK. Vinitaly 2019 trade show will be held from April 7th to the 10th in Verona. Every year, Vinitaly counts more than 4,000 exhibitors on a 100,000+ square meter area and 130,000 visitors from over 140 different countries with more than 30,000 top international buyers.
The Italian Wine Ambassador course in Los Angeles was officially launched on Monday February 18th at the Line Hotel in downtown L.A. by VIA Founder Stevie Kim and Italian Trade Agency commissioner Florindo Blandolino. Blandolino met VIA Faculty Sarah Heller MW and Henry Davar as well as the 27 candidates at the course venue and spoke about the Italian Trade Agency’s commitment to promote Italian wine on the American market, the largest foreign market for Italian wines. The Italian Trade Agency will continue to support VIA’s educational projects in the United States throughout 2019, such as the next Italian Wine Ambassador course Stateside, which will take place in New York from June 24th to 28th, along with VIA’s flagship course in Verona, Italy, at the end of March in the lead-up to Vinitaly.
In Los Angeles, candidates tasted 65 labels during the guided tastings that followed the theory lectures, and also additional 41 labels during the Tasting Labs. In Los Angeles, the Tasting Labs were supported for the first time by the official VIA Supporters, Italian trade organizations which chose to assist VIA in its educational mission abroad. Wine associations ISWA – Italian Signature Wines Academy, Consorzio Italia del Vino, and Consorzio di Tutela Vini del Trentino debuted as VIA Supporters in Los Angeles, providing a wide range of labels for the students to taste. The next VIA Italian Wine Ambassador course will be staged in Chengdu, China, from March 16th to 20th, and subsequently in Verona, Italy, from March 29th to April 2nd. Additional information on the next certification courses can be found on Vinitaly International website.