PLMA’s Private Label Trade Show will be held 11-13 November in Chicago. The event is expected to surpass last year’s record numbers for visitor and total exhibit space. The expansion is being driven by strong private label sales, which are growing as much as three times faster than A-brands, based on recent reports from Nielsen and others. PLMA 2018 will be held at the Rosemont Convention Center. The Italian Trade Agency – ICE will feature the production of more than 50 leading Italian manufacturers of private label products (food and non-food) at this year’s edition of the trade show.
At the 2018 show, more than 1,500 companies from over 50 countries will exhibit their products, including 30 international pavilions. For more than 30 years, PLMA’s annual US Private Label Trade Show has been the industry event of the year giving access to the growing private label market in the USA and Canada, where retailers and wholesalers source for their private label programmes. Exhibitors range from small and medium-size companies to well-known national brand makers who also supply store brands.
To maximize efficiency, the show floor is divided into three halls. The North Hall and Sky Hall are devoted to food, snacks and beverages while the South Hall presents health and beauty, household and general merchandise. Whichever hall they call home, PLMA helps exhibitors before, during and after the show to get the most out of their exhibits.
Retailer brands keep gaining popularity across Europe. Latest Nielsen data show that market share for private label increased last year in 12 of 19 countries, and now stands at 30% or above in 17 countries. Private label reached an all-time high in Europe’s largest retail market, Germany, with its market share there climbing to over 45% for the first time. Market share also increased to its highest levels ever in six other countries: The Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Hungary and Turkey. Market share stayed at or above 20% in Italy for the sixth consecutive year but declined by a point last year. Prospects for retailer brands look to improve as Aldi, with its strong private label programme, is entering the country.