The Italian discount chain Eurospin, already owner of about fifty points of sale in Slovenia, is preparing to land in Croatia. In fact, it should open about 20 stores in the coming months. The first openings will take place in the capital, Zagreb, and in Rijeka. Eurospin’s goal is above all to cover cities with more than 10,000 inhabitants. For this reason, the chain is looking for land for building (about 7,000 square meters) or commercial properties to rent (about 2 thousand meters). Croatia is considered strategic as it has great potential for growth. Retail trade, according to Esm Magazine, has a value of 5.1 billion euros per year, and space for large-scale distribution is not lacking.
Meanwhile, the development of the group in Italy is going on. Up to now, there are 1,081 points of sale, 700 of which directly managed, 308 affiliated and 73 managed by third parties (franchising for rent). The group has a total of 12,723 direct employees, including offices and sales outlets, 10,730 of whom are permanent. Following the positive trend, the development policy continues. Between 2018 and 2021, almost 200 new openings are expected. The chain, which is heavily focusing on fruit and vegetables, operates in Italy through the Spesa Intelligente, Eurospin Tirrenica, Eurospin Lazio, Eurospin Puglia, and Eurospin Sicilia companies. According to German research company Lz Retailing, the “Italian king of discounters” will record an annual increase in turnover of 5% over the next 5 years.